Unlock Biblical Clarity with the Freedom Bible Study Podcast!
The Bible can be a labyrinth of confusion, with countless opinions and frustrating moments, leaving you feeling lost. Understanding scripture seems like an unsolvable puzzle.
The Freedom Bible Study Podcast simplifies scripture, breaks it down into relatable terms, and provides insight into the context, cultures, and people of the Bible. Subscribe today!
The Foolishness of the Cross

The Foolishness of the Cross

Ever wondered how God works in mysterious ways that leave us scratching our heads? Well, in this episode, we’re diving deep into the “foolishness” of the cross – a symbol of God’s power and wisdom that’ll make you rethink everything.

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The Danger of an Unchanging Heart

The Danger of an Unchanging Heart

Our journey with God rests on the bedrock of faith, yet challenges often arise that test the very core of our beliefs. In those moments, do we embrace newfound truths with open hearts, or do we stubbornly cling to what we think we already know? In this episode, we...

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Bible Answered

Frequently Asked Questions About the Bible Answered

Welcome to the Freedom Bible Study Podcast, hosted by Troy King. In this episode, we embark on an enlightening journey to explore the Bible’s fundamental questions. What is the Bible, who wrote it, and what sets the Old and New Testaments apart? We’ll also delve into the original languages and the significance of the Septuagint.

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Does God Lie?

Does God Lie?

In this thought-provoking episode, we explore the very essence of God’s holiness, His trustworthiness, and His faithfulness. Discover how God’s character and His Word provide unwavering truth and consistency in a world filled with deception.

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The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free

In this debut episode of the Freedom Bible Study Podcast, I’m excited to introduce you to our mission and purpose. My passion for helping you understand and apply the truth found in God’s word shines through. We’re emphasizing the significance of studying Scripture in context and the freedom that comes with a proper understanding of God’s message. I hope my engaging and heartfelt delivery sets the tone for our journey to uncover and apply the truths within the Bible. Thanks for joining me!

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Nevermind, I don’t want encouragement.

Nevermind, I don’t want encouragement.